Thursday, July 02, 2009

Croatia Online – Prime Minister Ivo Sanader Resigns

Ivo Sanader

Croatia Online tries to steer clear of politics as far as possible. However it was with a certain degree of amazement that we read of Prime Minister Ivo Sanader’s resignation yesterday. It seems that even those close to the Croatian political world have been taken by surprise and, so far, the reasons seems vague to all. Whilst we track down further information, we thought it might be useful to readers to provide a few links to sites we discover on the way. It is tempting to speculate on the whys and wherefores but, at this stage, pending further facts, perhaps we should leave that to the experts:-

BBC News comment that the announcement came as a surprise and Mr Sanader was expected to run for the presidency next year

Javno explore the possible future scenarios and, on this Javno link, speculate on some possible reasons

Vlada, the government site, provides a detailed biography of Mr Sanader as well as his program platform and duties, plus, if you’re Croatian is up to it you can watch a video of the resignation speech

The initial press reaction seems to be a certain degree of disbelief, not to mention some frustration at the lack of any reasons of substance, or clues as to the timing. All very mysterious!


The above post first went up yesterday morning 2.7.09. This update is made 3.7.09 at 5. 40 UK time

We are adding updates to this post by way of comments – see below – and hope readers will participate. In the meantime please note the following:

1. The Javno site is down, due to technical reasons, and expected to be fixed for Monday

2. Business New Europe has a good recent analysis as does the SE Times, where we felt obliged to open the comments!


Blogger Jane Cody said...

Prime Minister Ivo Sanader apparently hints of frustrations with the current impasse to EU accession - a long standing border dispute with Slovenia. Sounds like there should be more to it than that though!

4:57 pm  
Blogger Jane Cody said...

Stranger and stranger! Latest news on the Javno site (see posting) is of an interview with the resigning Croatian PM today, 2.7.09.

A top job in politics, in any country, in any global climate, requires a very thick skin and maybe the retiring PM just had enough? Mr Sanader's biography (also see main posting for link) suggests regular career moves. The interview with Javno indicates negative reaction to his resignation was not expected and perhaps that will help in the "reveal" of the real reasons for the resignation. It all sounds a little petulant but maybe something has been lost in the translation.

However it turns out, I'm sure there are several Brits who would appreciate Mr Sanader spending some of his new found spare time giving Gordon Brown the benefit of his wisdom.

In the meantime, we hope that this event leaves Croatia stronger nationally and internationally, rather than encouraging a perception that Mr Sanader has left his country in the lurch. The Javno interview suggests Sanader's intentions were mostly selfless but the proof will be in the pudding. Vague reasons will only encourage vacuums and speculation.

12:27 am  
Blogger Jane Cody said...

Looks like Javno may have been a victim of its own success. We followed the links there today to find that the site is down for technical reasons but should be back up and running on Monday!

5:27 pm  
Blogger Jane Cody said...

It seems the ex prime minister is currently enjoying his retirement sailing around Brac in his yacht, Malo Vitra, (Little Wind). Link below. Let's hope he has had the foresight to take a copy of the Croatia Cruising Companion with him!

9:53 am  

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