Croatia Online - Croatia Cruising Companion

Regular readers will know that we've been working on our book for some time. We never expected it to be easy - doing justice to Croatia's Dalmatian Coast and Islands is not a walk in the park! However it's been intrinsically rewarding and there's been quite a bit of fun along the way.
Like any subject worth writing about, the more we discover about cruising Croatia, the more we find there is to reveal. So, though The Croatia Cruising Companion has now gone off to the printers and will be launched at the Earl's Court Boat Show in early December, it's far from the end of the story. Croatia's nautical industry is developing fast and, each time we revisit even the smallest of nautical ports, there's always something newsworthy - a new restaurant, improved facilities, a cultural discovery or just some old friends with new stories to tell.
To try and keep track of updates and to encourage comments from those of you who continue to delight in exploring Croatia's Dalmatian coast, we've set up a separate blogspot specifically devoted to the Croatia Cruising Companion. Click on the link on the top right hand corner of our home page or follow the link below to find out more about it and keep up to date with the news on one of the world's best cruising destinations. We'll continue to include the highlights on this site, as well as the latest news on Croatian travel, business, destinations, lifestyle, shopping, culture, politics and current events.
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